Week Ahead w/c 30th September 2019

The nights are drawing in little by little and we are starting to see the rains moving in over our fair Hull, and my week ahead looks no less bleak regarding the Prime Minister’s behaviour and attitude to this great country.


The start of the week begins with me in Parliament discussing educational building in a ASSG meeting, quickly followed by a Brexit meeting, where I will be with Sir Keir Starmer to discuss the forthcoming Brexit deal discussions. Before finishing off the day by having a discussion on how best to sort the issue of drug users and rough sleepers in Hull, looking at service providers and addiction treatment.


Things on Tuesday are a little more freeform at the moment, I shall be finding out my agenda Monday afternoon, but I am sure Parliamentary business will not be dull.


Wednesday I am back in my constituency with a few private meetings with constituents to begin with. I then have mu Butterfly City stakeholders meeting looking at the progress this project is making and how it is helping to make Hull a greener more sustainable city. Then its to an education meeting with Hull University to talk about their Xing Education project.


Today sees the return of my Big Conversation events this week and I shall be with Keith Hunter Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner and local residents on how better we can tackle ant-social behaviour and how to make our streets a safer place. This meeting is surrounded by two drop-ins across the city to listen to issues from my constituents and what concerns they want me to pursue in Parliament for them.


Friday soon comes around and feels like I need a few more days in the week to do everything justice. Today I have a Strong Women meeting as part of the Big Conversation followed by Inspiring a Generation discussion organised by a super local councillor. Being a woman in todays world is still a tough proposition and it is vital that every woman, old and young, know there are groups out there showcasing our amazing achievements and that there is always support for them.

As always, have a smashing weekend and coming week and I shall see you all soon.




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