The Big Conversation 2019, Full Steam Ahead!

We are now just about to embark on the final week of The Big Conversation and it has been a roaring success so far.

The meetings we have held have been attended by so many wonderful people from across the constituency, from the NHS, the Police, from Universities, private companies and other public bodies. All of them bringing their concerns to me and telling me what is important to them.

The latest event we did was the Strong Women event with guest speaker Dr Kirsty Clode, the Chair of Women into Manufacturing and Engineering (WiME). It was such good event attended by some wonderfully inspiring and strong women.

I am so proud of the great women we have in Hull and they continue the tradition of great women in Hull we have always had; from their fishing heritage when the men were at sea, it was the women that were the backbone of this great industry, and the women left at home during the World War II, raising families and maintain industry all whilst suffering under the blitz.

We have such a proud tradition of Strong Women in Hull and we have a bright future with this tradition set to continue.

The main reason I have done the Big Conversation for the third year is because it gives me the ability to meet you all more often and to listen to your concerns on a far larger scale. Let’s be honest, my job is to represent you and I can only do that effectively if I know what is important to you.  These events let me get to know you better and get to know what it is that is important to you and your families.

So thank you all so much for coming along to the events I have had so far and I look forward to seeing more of you over the next week, so look out for the posters, tweets & Facebook posts. (There is also a full schedule here).

As ever,  do get in touch with me if you have any concerns you wish to discuss more privately and have a good weekend.

Emma x



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