Week ahead- w.c. 6th May 2019


On Monday, my office will be closed for the bank holiday.


On Tuesday, I will be returning to Westminster where I will be attempting to bob in Health and Social Care questions. I’m anticipating that there will be a statement by the Department for Education on the Timpson Review on exclusions from schools. This is something I have done a lot of work on since I became an MP and it is fair to say that the review does not go far enough. At time of writing, I have yet to decide exactly which aspect of the review to ask about but I will be bobbing in the House of Commons Chamber to ask a question of the Minister.

Following this, I will be meeting with the Justice Minister, Edward Argar to discuss rates of solitary confinement in Young Offenders Institutions. Young Offenders Institutions (YOIs) must balance punishing a child for committing a crime with the need for rehabilitation and assisting the child to become a productive member of society who will not offend again on release. The use of segregation in YOIs, in a similar manner to those used in adult prisons, does not create the right balance between these goals.


On Wednesday, I will be attending a meeting of the Education Select Committee to discuss Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and the role that local government can play in supporting SEND children. This is the eleventh oral evidence session of the Committee’s inquiry into special educational needs and disabilities. This session is an opportunity for local authorities that were unable to attend the Committee’s earlier session with local authorities to give evidence to the Committee. It will also be an opportunity to ask local authority representatives further questions and for clarification based on oral evidence that the Committee has taken.

Later in the day, there will be an opposition day debate on TV licences for over 75s. For many over 75s, especially those who are housebound or isolated, television is a vital source of entertainment and it would therefore be wrong for the government to remove free TV licences from these pensioners. I will be intervening in the debate to put this case to the Minister. Following this, I will be meeting with Tobias Ellwood, the Minister for Veterans and Paul Matson from Hull 4 Heroes to discuss the development of a new Veterans Village in Hull. I hope to be able to furnish you with more details from the meeting as soon as I can.


On Thursday, my meetings will include Elizabeth Nassem, a researcher from Birmingham City University, to discuss punishments used in schools and bullying, Paul Andrews from Smith and Nephew and a visit to the Scope Shop.


My meetings on Friday include a visit to the new community hub of the Raise the Roof Hull Homelessness Project, the Associated British Ports (ABP) and Matt Jukes, Chief Executive of Hull City Council.


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