This morning on the Burnsy Show on BBC Radio Humberside I launched my Big Conversation 2020 Event.
This event is run yearly and allows me to really get up close and personal to the issues which are important to you!
Below are the dates and times for the events I am running this year, but because of COVID-19 they will all be conducted online through Zoom. Please check out my Facebook each week for the Zoom details so you can join the meetings and have your say.
Friday 25th September
10-11am The Big Conversation Surgery. Special allowance for one to one discussion with Emma to discuss the issues important to you. Please phone 01482 21911 to book your place.
12-1pm HU4 Community Group. A zoom meeting with the great HU4 Community group looking at the great work they are doing in their area and how you can help out or learn yourself.
1.30-3pm Big Conversation Surgery. Special allowance for one to one discussion with Emma to discuss the issues important to you. Please phone 01482 21911 to book your place.
Thursday 1st October
6-7pm Mental Health Panel with NHS. Come join this private seminar to discuss your mental health and wellbeing issues with experts from across the NHS
Friday 2nd October
10-11am SEND Aim Higher. Seminar with Aim Higher to discuss SEND and autism concerns with families and children.
12-1pm The Warren Big Conversation. Closed meeting for young people to discuss their issues with Emma and specialists from the Warren.
1.30-3pm The Big Conversation Surgery. Special allowance for one to one discussion with Emma to discuss the issues important to you. Please phone 01482 21911 to book your place.
4-5pm Post-COVID Employment Seminar. Come join specialists from across the employment sector to discuss issues and pathways into employment following COVID-19.
Thursday 8th October
4-5pm Post-COVID Education. Seminar for families with guest speakers from across the education sector talking about the hopes for moving on from COVID and the current situation.
Friday 9th October
10-11am Safer Neighbourhoods. Join Keith Hunter Humberside Police Crime Commissioner alongside Darren Downs Chief Superintendent for Humberside’s North Bank Division for an update on latest policing and issues.
12-1pm Strong Women. Seminar led by Hull women leading industry and business to give advice and how to improve women’s roles within society.
1.30-3pm The Big Conversation Surgery. Special allowance for one to one discussion with Emma to discuss the issues important to you. Please phone 01482 21911 to book your place.
4-5pm Climate Change Seminar. Come join climate experts to discuss the role we have to play in making our community sustainable and the challenges we face with climate change.
Thursday 15th October
10.30-12noon Chamber of Commerce. Closed meeting where Emma will meet with business leaders across Hull looking at what challenges we face following COVID-19.
Thursday 29th October
7-8pm Trades Council Meeting. Closed meeting where Emma will meet with the Trades Council to discuss future challenges following Coivd-19.