Emma Hardy has called on the Government to make more money available to remodel Calvert Lane.
Hull City Council has already had one funding bid turned down by the Government and Emma asked the Minister to look favourably on future bids.
This follows work that Emma did along with Labour’s council candidate for Boothferry Amber Goodwin to collect signatures on a petition asking for more funding from central government to improve Calvert Lane last summer.
Commenting, Emma Hardy said “Hull has lost out a lot from government spending cuts since 2010 with £1 in every 3 being taken away by the Tories. This has meant it is more difficult to renew our road infrastructure and make improvements to its design where necessary and has led to problems like the ones that we have been experiencing on Calvert Lane. Hull City Council has acted swiftly to try to get the much-needed money to redesign Calvert Lane but it was knocked back by this government. The government now needs to step up and put its hand in its pocket to make sure that we have the modern road network we desperately need.”
Amber Goodwin said “Boothferry’s Labour team spend a lot of time listening to residents and working within our community and this is one of the major issues that they’ve told us about. Calvert Lane desperately needs improving and I’m really glad to have the opportunity to work with Emma on this to bring it to the attention of the government. I look forward to gaining a positive response from them and won’t rest on this issue until we get one.”