On the 23rd November, Emma Hardy, the MP for Hull West and Hessle, authored a letter of MPs to Charles Woodburn, the Chief Executive of BAE Systems.
The letter, which was signed by 25 MPs from across the political spectrum, came following concerns being expressed by Trade Union representatives at BAE’s Brough site about the over reliance of the site on the production of Hawk aircraft. In the letter, Emma asked whether the Chief Executive would meet with her and other MPs to discuss how the site’s manufacturing base can be diversified.
BAE systems responded to the letter on the 28th November agreeing to meet.
Commenting on the positive response, Emma said ‘I’m delighted that BAE Systems have agreed to meet with me and a group of other MPs to talk about how the manufacturing base at their site in Brough to protect jobs and the promote the future of the site there. I’ll keep you all updated on how the meeting goes as soon as I can.’