Hi All
Please find below a summary of my activities for the next week for your information.
On Monday I will be returning to Parliament and meeting with Labour’s Brexit team. I will then be participating in a debate on funding for further education colleges. Despite the fact that education is compulsory for 16-18 year olds, students lose about 25% of their funding after the age of 16. On top of this, FE colleges have seen a disproportionate cut in funding when compared to other education bodies with an average funding cut of 30%. I will be arguing that colleges need more money and should be funded on the same basis as 11-16 education.
Later in the day, the Prime Minister will be making a statement to Parliament about what her plan is with regards to Brexit following her overwhelming defeat in the House of Commons last Tuesday. With MPs from across parties turning against her deal, it will be interesting to see what her plan will be for the next steps. As with other Brexit related statements, I am not able to speak in the House of Commons due to my roll in Labour’s Brexit team but I sincerely hope that she decides to act in the national interest, rather than her own party’s narrow interest and envisage releasing a comment after her statement to detail my thoughts on it. I will also be raising the issue of police cuts with the Home Secretary during Question Time.
On Tuesday, I will be attending the Education Select Committee. This week’s session will be returning to our enquiry on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. In the afternoon, I will be chairing a meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Oracy to plan an enquiry into the teaching of speaking and listening in schools. We envisage that the enquiry will take evidence from a range of witnesses and will help to produce a report. I will then be campaigning for the recommendations of that report to be taken up by the Government.
On Wednesday, I will be attending a meeting about isolation rooms. I am deeply concerned that schools are using isolation rooms as a form of unregistered exclusion for pupils for extended periods of time, thereby severely harming their education. I will be meeting with Dr Paul Williams MP and a range of experts from the education sector to do discuss how we can investigate this issue further and to plan next steps. I will then be trying to bob in Prime Minister’s questions, I will release details of my potential question closer to the time.
On Thursday, I will spend the morning in Westminster to assist with questions to the Brexit Secretary and trying to bob in Questions to the Leader of the House of which I will release more information closer to the time. I will then travel back to Hull where I will spend the afternoon in my constituency office meeting with constituents and assisting them with their casework.
My meetings on Friday include the Yorkshire Brewing Company and the City Health Care Partnership. I will spend the rest of the day in my constituency office meeting with constituents and assisting them with their casework.