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I know many people have contact me recently and are upset because further installation of telecommunication poles has started on streets, which have only just been dug up by other companies.

I wanted to give everyone an update on the actions I have taken on this issue and share a letter I have written to Julia Lopez, Minister for Data and Digital Infrastructure, sharing residents concerns and asking that she use her ministerial role to issue direction to Ofcom to review legislation around infrastructure sharing.

What I’ve Done:

1. Encouraged new telecoms providers, such as MS3, during a meeting with local residents to reconsider their plans in Hessle, including the possibility of using underground cabling instead of telegraph poles.

2. Urged each broadband provider during a meeting with all providers and Hull City Council to attempt an informal infrastructure sharing resolution, but regrettably, no consensus was reached.

3. Corresponded with East Riding of Yorkshire Council, emphasising health and safety concerns, which contributed to the council’s decision to temporarily halt MS3’s works in the East Riding.

4. Engaged in discussions with Ofcom, the UK’s communications regulator, to express concerns about the proliferation of telegraph poles in Hull West and Hessle and the need for resource sharing among providers. Ofcom has committed to facilitating a meeting with all service providers, including KCOM, MS3, Grain, and Connexin, to seek a collaborative solution. I have requested a meeting with Ofcom to receive updates on their progress.

5. Explored the alleged lack of infrastructure sharing by KCOM with Ofcom and discovered that a formal complaint from one of the new companies is required to investigate this.

6. Advocated in Parliament by raising concerns directly with the relevant minister during a debate and I’ve collaborated with other MPs who are confronting similar issues in their constituencies. We are exploring cross party solutions.

This Week I’ve:

1. Arranged a meeting with Connexin. This is due to take place at next Thursday 2 Feb 2024.

2. Written (letter below) to the Minister for Data and Digital Infrastructure, Julia Lopez MP, to inform her of what is happening and to request that further efforts are made to promote infrastructure sharing in the area.

3. Organised another parliamentary petition, again to urge the government to take steps to promote infrastructure sharing in Hull West and Hessle.

I will of course keep everyone updated on and responses or progress made by these actions and if you live in Hull West and Hessle then please do contact me with your concerns.

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