Summer roundup and back to Parliament.

Summer recess is coming to an end, and I’ve really enjoyed being out in the community and having the opportunity to speak to residents and meet with some of the fantastic organisations we have in our area.

There’s been lots of great activities throughout happening over the summer and so here’s a quick recap of what’s been going on.

Peel Park have kept people busy all summer long with lots of activity days and fairs, and I was pleased to present their end of summer awards.

I loved wandering around the Hessle yard sale, meeting the Hull Chinese community, seeing the UK Spacey Agency’s “Space for Everyone” Tour and attending the Hull Noir event at Hull Central Library.

It was also great to catch up with Rev Jonathan Hull from St Martin’s to hear how they were getting on with their foodbank and to be at the unveiling of ‘Lil Bilocca House’ on Porter Street, a wonderful tribute to the most remarkable women. I also got to catch up with our young Mayor and Deputy Mayor and it was really great to hear their plans.

I had the opportunity to spend some time with older residents for a coffee morning at Edinburgh Street Community Centre as well as those young and older at Hessle Road Network.

My favourite of course was having stalls at West Park family fair and Pickering Park family fair and getting to do Butterfly City activities with all the children. We learned lots about the importance of caring for caterpillars and all the children were so interested and well behaved.

A standout moment of the summer must be our Lionesses reaching the World Cup final. I feel so proud of the team, they are all amazing and inspiring women.

And of course, thanks to Councillors Dearing, Petrini and Kennett, Albert Ave Lido is now open! This is going to be so great for the community.

I’ve had such a wonderful time seeing everyone over the summer but next week I will be returning to parliament and I’m ready to hit the ground running.

I’ll be carrying on with my campaigns on flooding, endometriosis, financial inclusion, Work Hull Work Happy and of course butterfly city as well as continuing to sit on Treasury Select Committee. I’ll of course keep you all updated with what I’m up to in parliament on my social media.

On a final note, I’m pleased to announce that my ‘Big Conversation’ is returning in 2023. We have lots of great events, meetings and opportunities to speak to residents planned. More information will be coming soon.



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