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Emma Hardy MP has signed a letter to the Prime Minister, authored by Labour’s Darren Jones MP, calling for Parliament to have a full day to debate the Government’s Zero Emissions plan.

The text of the letter is as follows:

“There has now been two Westminster Hall debates in addition to the recent debate on the floor of the House on the related issues of the IPCC Report, COP24, and targets to reach “net zero” carbon emissions in recent months. These debates have only happened because of Labour MPs securing Westminster Hall Debates and because of the Backbench Business Committee. Many of us felt there was insufficient time to properly debate the issue of climate change and many colleagues who wanted to attend were unable to do so.

“Each debate has included a clear ask of the Government to allocate significant time to this issue within Government time in the House of Commons.

“The Independent Climate Change Committee, Members from all sides of the House, non-governmental bodies and scientists have all said we need to debate this issue more fully and take action with more urgency.

“We therefore call on the Government to commit to allocating at least one full day of Government time to this issue, perhaps in response to the advice from the Climate Change Committee on reaching net zero emissions targets, and for that debate to be led by you as Prime Minister.

“Following the Climate Strike and Extinction Rebellion protest, David Attenborough’s ‘Climate Change- the facts’, Greta Thunberg’s excellent campaigning and increasing evidence, surely the least the Government could do is provide time to debate how the UK- and indeed our partners around the world- will meet zero and negative emissions sooner rather than later.”

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