Emma Hardy MP, Hull West and Hessle, today spoke about the need for more investment for Hull’s rail and road network.

Today, Emma Hardy spoke in Parliament during a debate on Transport in the North to express her dissatisfaction over the rail and road investment received by Hull and the East Riding compared with London.


While Hull has been denied rail electrification, London has been granted these trains. And while local authorities are under pressure to clean up toxic air, The Government are not funding the transport developments needed in this region to improve this.


In terms of roads, the £100m offered by the Transport Secretary for roads in the North of England is an insult and Emma will be fighting for more money. Furthermore, Emma will continue to push for confirmation that the Castle Street development in Hull will not be delayed further.


Emma said:

“The rejection of electrification for railways in my constituency of Hull West and Hessle and the continued delay after delay to our road development is limiting our future economic development and the improvement to the air quality residents need.


“This Government claims to believe in equality of opportunity, but actions speak louder than words. We face not having the spare transport capacity to accommodate growth, rail journey times are slower and the rail network is becoming increasingly congested. The lack of investment for the North is hindering our development.


“During the debate I asked the Minister to offer the people of Hull West and Hessle the reassurances we need on this vital development and I will continue to push the Government to invest properly in our railways.”

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