The Labour Party Conference

It may have been sunny and I may have been at the beach, but I never got chance to enjoy any of that – not that I am complaining!

The Labour Conference was so positive this year. I spent it in halls and rooms meeting people and discussing how I could improve things for the people of Hull West and Hessle. I also spoke at some fringe events and met up with MPs and unions who were positive about a future Labour government.

There were some great debates in the hall and it was so good that members got to express their concerns and debate the issues that matter to CLPs. I must also congratulate Keir Starmer, Angela Raynor and Tom Watson, amongst others, for some fantastic speeches, and, of course, Jeremy Corbyn who has transformed the party and is now leading on the policy issues that are debated throughout the country.

Labour are definitely a government in waiting!

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